viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

My That´s English

My That´s English (see the link below) is, in my opinion, the best on line web page for intermediate students, so I recommend you to chek it regularly.

Among the last entries, you may find interesting the reading "I was Trapped in my Car Hanging off a Motorway Bridge", whose accompanying task is good for exam training purposes (Sábado 5 abril), the video about "A Family of Readers" (miércoles 9 de abril), or the video "Making Buildings for Billionaires in NYC" (lunes 7 de abril) cover modern trends.

The London video that the fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood, made for Fashion Television (domingo 6 de abril), is a bit long but  it is very interesting if you like travel and culture. The 2008 interview to Susan Sharandon is still interesting (jueves 10 de abril). And, if these topics do not appeal to you, you can click below on "entradas antiguas", or on the right-side column "etiquetas" and keep on exploring on your own.

I hope you find something that you like.

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