sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

English Pop from Molina de Aragón

Another song by the English pop band from Molina de Aragón Marina and the Monsters, Playboy Station.  It doesn´t have the lyrics on line yet, but I think it is worth listening to:


miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Lessons Learned from a Year Without Showering

Here you have the link to the article about the young man who spent a year without taking a shower.

 The article is not too difficult, but the video may be a bit more challenging.  I hope you find it


Clive Zeitman, the King of Complainers

 Here you can find the link to the full, original story of the Clive, the King of Complainers, in the Daily Mail.  It is long, and it has very rich vocabulary, but you may enjoy reading it, after having worked on the simplified version:


viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

My That´s English

My That´s English (see the link below) is, in my opinion, the best on line web page for intermediate students, so I recommend you to chek it regularly.

Among the last entries, you may find interesting the reading "I was Trapped in my Car Hanging off a Motorway Bridge", whose accompanying task is good for exam training purposes (Sábado 5 abril), the video about "A Family of Readers" (miércoles 9 de abril), or the video "Making Buildings for Billionaires in NYC" (lunes 7 de abril) cover modern trends.

The London video that the fashion designer, Vivienne Westwood, made for Fashion Television (domingo 6 de abril), is a bit long but  it is very interesting if you like travel and culture. The 2008 interview to Susan Sharandon is still interesting (jueves 10 de abril). And, if these topics do not appeal to you, you can click below on "entradas antiguas", or on the right-side column "etiquetas" and keep on exploring on your own.

I hope you find something that you like.


EOI Pinto, Listening and Reading Exam Practice

Here you can find the links to EOI Pinto on line listening and reading exercises.  You can start with an intermediate exercise, and, if you find it easy, then you can try the upper-intermediate ones.
 We´ll talk about how you found them, after Easter.  Try hard, and you´ll get linguisitally fit for the exam!





jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

A Video for those who can´t travel to London at Easter

Here is a video "Disappearing London"  about the iconic Red Phone Box and other achitectural and social landmarks of London life which are threatened.  It comes with subtitles.


sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Gareth Malone´s Extraordinary School for Boys. Episode 1

Here you can find the first episode of the BBC-2 programme "Gareth Malones´s Extraordinary School for Boys", which we read about  in the listening and reading exercises on page 65 of your book.

  I have heard the introduction and the first minutes, and I think it won´t be too difficult for you, especially if you use the subtitles. 

 I hope you like it.
