viernes, 21 de marzo de 2014

Jokes on the International Day of Happiness

 This is a selection of jokes, published by The Independent, on the International Day of Happyness, 20th March.

Very often they are puns in which language plays a key role. I hope you like them:

International Day of Happiness: The best jokes ever (possibly)
March 20, 1:30 PM
By Stuart Henderson

Two aerials met on a roof. They fell in love and got married. The ceremony was rubbish - but the reception was brilliant

Why was the mortgage so upset? Because it was a loan

Why was the horse so happy? Because he lived in a stable environment

Do you want to hear two short jokes and a long joke? Joke, joke, jooooooooooooke.

The Beach Boys walk into a bar. One says to the other “Round? Round? Get a round? I get a round?”

Two dogs are walking along a street. They are passed by a third dog driving a lorry load of logs.
One turns to the other and says: “He started fetching a stick and built up the business from there.”

Two cannibals eating a clown, one turned to the other and said: ‘does this taste funny to you?’

What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals? Philippe Philoppe

What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer

A Higgs’ Boson walks into a church.
The priest says, “We don’t allow Higgs’ Bosons in here.”
The Boson says, “But without me, how can you have mass?”

Two nuns were driving through a Transylvanian forest when the road was blocked by a fearsome looking vampire.
“What do we do now?” the passenger asked.
“Get out and show him your Cross,” said the nun in the driving seat.
So the nun in the passenger stepped out onto the road, wagged her finger and exclaimed: “Get out of our way, you stupid vampire.”

Why was the writer in agony?
Because the sub-editor had removed his colon.

Lawyer: ‘Now that you have been acquitted, will you tell me truly? Did you steal the car?’ Client: ‘After hearing you in court, I’m beginning to think I didn’t.’

A Centurion walks into a pub and asks for a Martinus. “Don’t you mean a Martini?” says the barman. “No,” says the Centurion, “If I want a double I’ll ask for one.”

A Roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers, and says: “Five beers, please.”

A police officer on traffic duty flags down a car.
“Sir, you appear to have 12 penguins in the back of your car.”
“That’s right, officer, I do.”
“Well that’s ridiculous – take them to the zoo straight away.”
“OK officer.”
And the car drives off.
Next day, the same policeman in the same spot sees the same car drive past – with the penguins in the back. He flags him down again.
“I thought I told you to take them to the zoo…”
“Yes, officer, and it was great – today I’m taking them to the cinema.”

They say being a hostage is difficult - but I could do that with my hands tied behind my back.

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